I've Had It
I've Had It Podcast
Zuckerbuck's and the Lusty Laptop

Zuckerbuck's and the Lusty Laptop

The two REAL reasons Trump lost. One is finally being exposed and the other has been cut off at the knees.

(This is my first effort to change the format to a podcast instead of just the blog. I’ve had some requests to voice the segments. I will continue to provide all of the text with some added sound and video features, like this weeks tribute to Austin Powers. I look forward to your comments)

The left calls it the “Big Lie”. Since losing the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump has told anyone who will listen to him, that the election was stolen from him. Whenever he, or a fan tries to set out to list the many oddities and inconsistencies regarding the vote count, they are immediately cut off. The left says there’s no proof. It could be a friend at work, a family member, or a houseboy or handmaiden in the media. It’s like every Democrat is in on it, on cue (click on the link, it’s worth it).

Let’s start by saying that I won’t even begin to address the reams of circumstantial evidence from the 5 states that, 1) all had Trump leading before they mysteriously stopped counting the night of the election, and 2) that had various statistical anomalies that almost entirely fell in Biden’s favor.

There are just two matters that I’ll elucidate on that were 100%, absolute keys to Biden’s win…and both had to do with media corruption and Big Tech chicanery.

Zuckerbucks" went only to Democratic counties in 2020 elections

First off, in 2020, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg set aside $400 mm for a dubious organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). It was supposed to buy PPE equipment for state elections workers during Covid. The MSM thought the money was just fine, saying elections offices needed help to offset Covid related shortfalls. But, only 1.5% went for that. The alleged “non-partisan’ group spent the rest of the money on salaries, laptops, vehicle rentals, attorneys’ fees for public records requests, mail-in balloting and other measures that allowed elections offices to hire activists to work the election. In exchange for the money, elections divisions agreed to conduct their elections according to conditions set out by the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which is led by former members of the New Organizing Institute, a training center for progressive groups and Democratic campaigns.

In any event, for the Democrats and their associates in the tech world, it worked. Georgia received over $30 million from the CTCL…that’s almost 10% of the fund total, in a state with only 3% of the population. Not all 159 counties in Georgia received the funding. Of those that did, Trump-voting counties received an average of $1.91 per registered voter, while Biden-voting counties received, on average, $7.13 per voter. Counties that didn’t receive Zuck Bucks showed hardly any movement, but counties that were funded by Zuck Bucks moved, on average, 2.3 percentage points more Democratic. That would be enough to swing the state from Trump to Biden.

While they may have skirted the law in Georgia, they broke it in Wisconsin. They have a law against it. “This is election bribery. In Wisconsin we passed a law that says a person can’t take money to induce people to go to the polls,” According to Attorney Eric Kaardal, special counsel with the Wisconsin Voter Alliance.

Just last week a special counsel found that Zuckerberg’s dubious scheme violated Wisconsin’s bribery laws. His findings and recommendations have been forwarded to the legislature and courts.

If the CTCL/Zuckerberg does not end up getting charged, we have to see the operation for what it is…a fraudulent non-profit that basically made a huge in-kind campaign contribution. But the Republicans have not sat idly by. A number of right leaning states have moved decisively. Since the election, over 20 states have lined up to ban the private funding of elections.

And what was likely one of the biggest examples of media and big tech collusion, was the total lack of interest in Hunter Biden’s laptop, and information gleaned off it that showed how the Biden family engaged in dozens of shady schemes. Schemes that if brought out into the light, would have surely cost Biden the election. While the media was guilty of willfully ignoring it, Big Tech went out of its way to cover it up.

The Biden Crime Family

A month before the 2020 Presidential election the New York Post reported on what was found on a Hunter Biden laptop that he left off at a Delaware computer repair shop. According to the Post, “the laptop’s hard drive contained a trove of emails, text messages, photos (some in various stages of undress) and financial documents between Hunter Biden, his family and business associates — detailing how the president’s son used his political leverage in his overseas business dealings.” One would have thought that this news would damage his dad’s chances of getting elected.

Immediately, with no time to lose since the election was only a month away, Big Tech and the media apparently used their telepathic powers to stop the story in its tracks. Not only that, a very coordinated narrative appeared out of nowhere, saying that the revelation was a Russian disinformation campaign. Except for some right leaning media outlets, the sordid story never saw the light of day. And the rest is history.

But, as is often the case with lies from the left, things start to trickle out because the narrative starts springing leaks. A book written by a Politico writer 6 months ago basically confirmed all of the allegations made in NY Post piece almost a year earlier. And yesterday, the New York Times published a story outlining an ongoing FBI investigation into Hunter Biden’s business deals involving Ukraine and China…countries that have not escaped the publics notice of late.

There is now no doubt that the emails and other information downloaded on his computer are the real deal. And there is little doubt that if the computer had information from a Trump family member, it would have been an above the fold story on a daily basis. Big Tech then and now has censored any report that seeks to cast Hunter Biden as a delinquent reprobate. The cooperation and collusion between the media and Big Tech is now impossible to ignore. Outside of the NY Times report, there is nothing to see here. There was nothing to see before the election because the two vassals of the progressive cause were so virtuous and unified…keep Trump out of office. The two stories, had they been fairly reported would have assuredly placed a different person in the White House.


Tweet of the week

Why is it that every leftist can afford a Tesla, but can’t afford to pay back their student loan?

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